Grand Democrats

Vote | Organize | Turnout | Educate | Donate

Because Protecting Democracy Takes all of Us



Grand Dems Looks Forward


On the Grand Dems Club front, we welcome new Board and returning Board Members and Committee Chairs. These are your Grand neighbors, and we look forward to serving you in 2025:


President: Bob Walling & Program

Past President: Suzi Walling & Fundraising

*Vice President: Ken Kessler

Secretary: Carole Parnell

*Treasurer: Karen Manning

At-Large: Sherry Douglas & Co-Chair, Election Committee

*At-Large: Clay Latimer & Publicity

*At-Large: Carol Karsten & Community Outreach

*Election: Co-Chair: Kathy Wyse

*Membership: Edra Jandro

Social: Judy Shields

*Technology Co-Chairs: Carol and Mike Gontko


*New in position identified.


Opportunities abound in 2025 for Democrats in Grand to “show up and be counted in our community.” Here are several ways:


Precinct Volunteers



MLK Day of Service in Surprise-January 18 Community Outreach


Be one of 500 volunteers to attend this breakfast program and then volunteer for important projects. Proudly wear your Grand Dems badge, hat, shirt and show the Surprise community that Democrats care and serve. Get a group of friends or meet new friends.


Saturday, January 18, 2025

Willow Canyon High School

17901 W. Lundberg St. Surprise

8 a.m. - noon

• 8 a.m. Volunteer check-in, free breakfast for first 500 volunteers

• 9 a.m. Celebration program

• 10 a.m. Service projects begin



Goals for 2025


As your President, my goals for Grand Dems in 2025 are as follows:

  1. Leadership Continuity: Identify a leader to serve as President in 2026. This is my final year as President. In 2026, I will be Past President.
  2. Volunteers: Recruit volunteers to fill our quota of Precinct Committeepersons within our three Grand Precincts and to staff our committees.
  3. Membership: Grow our membership by 20%.
  4. Fund Raising: Grow the Victory Fund to a $10,000 balance to support political organizations and candidates. Fund Raising events and appeals will be introduced for social fun and fund raising.
  5. Political: Monitor potential legislation/policy proposals to support or rebut Federal, State, County, City Council and School Board actions and be vigorous in channeling our membership to respond.
  6. Social: Introduce more social events to “get to know each other.”
  7. Support our local LD29 Democratic Party through volunteer and monetary efforts.


In conclusion, there are a couple key mantras that has been important to me in life:


“Winners never quit, and quitters never win.” Vince Lombardi


“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Franklin D. Roosevelt.


We are winners, all, and fearless in our pursuit of justice for all. Let 2025 be a year of  planning and action. Campaign 2026 has begun.












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